

The Blessed Resurrection of Jesus Christ

We read in the gospel of John 20 about the remarkable story of the resurrection.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ was a transformation that changed our lives, our faith and our behavior. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ brings us hope and has the power to free believers from the fear of death.

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:1-19 the importance of the resurrection: 

Paul is explicit in stressing that if the resurrection did not occur, then the entire faith is in vain. It signals the importance of the resurrection as the cornerstone of Christian belief. The fact that Jesus conquered death gives believers hope for eternal life.

We should never doubt the resurrection because there were Witnesses and evidence of it as Paul talks about various individuals to whom the risen Jesus appeared. This underlines the historical basis of Christian faith. It tells believers that their faith isn't baseless or grounded in myth, but in events witnessed and attested to by trustworthy individuals.

Paul also speaks of his own grace and transformationPaul's own story of transformation from a persecutor of the church to an apostle is a reminder of the power of God's grace. It shows believers that change is possible, no matter what their past has been. Paul's life itself serves as a testimony to the transformative power of the Gospel.

The message preached by Paul and the other apostles is with truth and is always consistent. This consistency in the message of the Gospel provides a sense of confidence and trust in the authenticity of the Christian faith.

There is truth in the Gospel and it reminds believers that the Gospel—the story of Christ's life, death, and resurrection—is the essential truth of Christian faith. It is upon this message that believers rest their faith. It reminds believers of the primary message they have received and believed in.

Don’t Take for Granted the Power and Blessings of Jesus’ Resurrection

-The resurrection of Jesus Christ has brought so many blessings to the Church today.

-The resurrection is the power of the Church.

-The resurrection is the strength of our faith.

Believers have:

-A Savior that has conquered sin, satan, death and the grave,

-A Savior who lives forever beyond the grave

-A Savior who has power in heaven and earth

-A Savior that is a victor of sickness and death

I ask you today, are you ready today to meet the Lord, upon that glorious resurrection, when the Lord comes back, to take us home, to live with him forever and ever?


Robby Cable

Providence Church of Christ
