

Merited Suffering

In reading one of Steve's recent posts in the Berean Letter, there was a phrase that jumped out and got me to thinking, "unmerited suffering." There are many afflictions that sometimes comes to us for no particular reason, except that we are descendants of Adam and bear the consequences of sin in the world. Children and innocent adults suffer because of some who choose to drink and drive. Natural disasters happen killing an maiming innocent people. Children are sexually abused because of the unbridled lusts of some adult predator. Some are killed by random acts of violence of gang members, who unfortunately happen to be in the wrong place and at the wrong time. These would all be cataloged as "unmerited sufferings," that is, they did not deserve or precipitate these problems to themselves. Yet again there is suffering in the world that we would also have to call "merited suffering," because of our foolish actions and choices we bring suffering and problems upon ourselves. Here is someone who does drugs and then suffers from brain damage the rest of their lives, a case of "merited suffering." Or take the case of someone going out and getting intoxicated, then getting behind of the wheel of a car, they are in a wreck with broken bones, cuts, scraps and bruises, they are suffering mightily, but they brought that upon themselves. Or one going out and carousing around and get some venereal disease, that is incurable. "And thou mourn at last when thy flesh and thy body are consumed." Proverbs 5:11. What do we have? A case of "merited suffering." Things brought upon ourselves for making bad choice in life. Yes, we can avoid "merited suffering" by living according to God's precepts. Paul said that obedient children will see good days and live long on the earth, Eph.6:1-3.