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August 4, 2024, Sunday Morning Announcements

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16     Now let us pray for sick, traveling, shut-in, and meetings.........


*Continue to remember all those going through very difficult times with their health:  JJ, Josh McKibben, MaKenzie Rogers, Natalie Philbeck, Letha French, and Matt Falls.

*Friday Natalie Philbeck will have some results back, and if they come back okay, she will starting the process for her bone marrow transplant.

*Tuesday Letha French is having a scope done as a follow up for her bleeding ulcer.

*Wednesday Joe French will be having surgery to repair his aortic valve that is closing up.

*JJ goes Thursday to the hospital for 4 days if his numbers are good, and they will be starting a different chemo which should have virtually no side effects.


Deaths or Arrangements:

*Cheryl Roberts passed away, and her visitation will be at the Marvin Owens Funeral Home tomorrow from 5-8.  Her funeral will be at the funeral home on Tuesday at 1pm.  Please remember her family and friends during this difficult time.



*During a recent meeting there was a couple of items mentioned that needs to be shared with the congregation.  1st - to make every effort to start services on time.  2nd to try to get all announcements on the sheet before services start to so when the announcement is made it will be easier to hear from someone who has the microphone.

*August 18th will be our next Big Picture study, and services that evening will be at 4pm.  After services there will be a potluck at Robby & Brenda Cable’s house.

*There is a new WiFi password and it is……John14:6 (all one word)

*This afternoon will be singing night, please come back out for that and worship God in song.

*Jonah & Molly’s wedding shower will be this afternoon at the Heritage from 2-4.



*August 5th - Mandy Sandidge

*August 9th - Mike Brown


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”(Daily Reading, ESV)